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Before & After School Care

Before & After School Care


Christel House Academy West

Christel House Indianapolis is working with AYS (At Your School) this year to provide before- and after-care for students in grades K-8. Morning care is 6:30am-8:25am in the cafe. After care is 3:40pm-6:00pm in the cafe. Students participating in AYS will receive breakfast in the morning and dinner in the evening, provided by the school. The cost is $25/week per child, with a 5% discount per child for families with three or more children signed up for AYS.


Christel House Academy South

 Christel House Indianapolis is working with AYS (At Your School) this year to provide before- and after-care for students in grades K-8. Morning care is 6:30am-8:25am in the media center. After care is 3:40pm-6:00pm in the media center. Students participating in AYS will receive breakfast in the morning and dinner in the evening, provided by the school. The cost is $25/week per child, with a 5% discount per child for families with three or more children signed up for AYS.

Students in grades 9-12 can be dropped off at school as early as 7:30am. Students will go to a classroom in the high school during that time.